Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SSRJ#1 Chopin

        In the beginning of this story I couldn't help but feel sorry for Mrs. Mallard. I've never personally lost someone that I'm close with, but my best friend lost her dad a few years ago. I witnessed how the death of her dad had taken its toll, not only on herself, but her mom. Although she is usually one of the strongest people I know, the overwhelming shock and sadness that she felt was obvious. Mrs. Mallard initially had the same reaction; of course she would be upset by this news. As the story continued, however, I had a change of heart when Mrs. Mallard suddenly became over-joyed at the thought of her husband's death. 
       I can understand how the ability to do whatever you want without having to consider another person first would be nice, but I couldn't imagine feeling that way only moments after hearing what had happened. Clearly this sort of reaction was not expected by her sister or friend, whom decided to gently break the news to her considering her heart condition. Was this reaction possibly a way for her to avoid feeling the pain of losing her husband since the feelings are so overwhelming? Was she not in love with her husband to begin with? Even if she wasn't in love with her husband, wouldn't she still feel sad about losing someone she had known for so long, and was close with?

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