Thursday, February 17, 2011

SSRJ#4 Carver

After reading this piece, I wasn't at all sure what to think of it. Being an extremely short story there wasn't much detail given by the author. The reason for the argument is unknown but it was clearly a serious matter if it ended in such turmoil. I thought that the symbolism in the story had to do with the flower pot that shattered. Both characters fought over who got to keep the baby. They each felt that they could take care of it better than the other, but their actions seemed to contradict their feelings when they began tugging and grabbing at the baby. The flower pot could have symbolized their inability to properly handle the situation they were in, or maybe it revealed how irresponsible they were for fighting over a fragile baby. The broken flower pot was also a little ironic; their fighting resulted in damaged life. With that being said, was the baby's life even in danger in this story? The author left the ending open to interpretation, but what decision was made at the end?


  1. I really like your connection between the broken flower pot and their fight "resulting in damaged life". Perhaps it ended in two damaged lives? I think that in the end the woman got custody of the baby. It says, "He felt the baby slipping out of his hands and he pulled back very hard." It then says that because of this the decision was made. But, do you really think the man would've gotten custody after harming the baby with his abuse?

  2. I remember Shakespeare ended some of his stories like that. Just really quite and refined. In the story from I kings the baby was just given to the mother, so I think the mom ended up keeping it, even thought it was handled a little differently in this one. they might have gone the opposite though and maybe the baby was killed, i dont know.
